Libur Isra Mikraj dan Imlek, Tiket Kereta Api Indonesia Ludes 777 Ribu, Ini Rute Favoritnya

LUDES: Berdasarkan data pada Kamis (8/2), sebanyak 777.762 tiket kereta api telah ludes terjual. Okupansi tersebut mencapai 90 persen dari tempat duduk yang disediakan sebanyak 866.361 kursi. FOTO; Jawapos/RB--

Of this number, there were an additional 10 long distance train trips operating compared to the previous week, namely Wednesday (31/1) to Sunday (4/2) with a total number of 1,075 long distance train trips.

Long-distance trains that have additional trips are 4 Manahan train trips (Gambir - Solo Balapan pp), 4 Sancaka train trips (Yogyakarta - Surabaya Gubeng pp), and 2 Kaligung train trips (Cirebon Prujakan - Semarang Poncol pp).

Joni said the increase in train travel frequency was aimed at anticipating an increase in customer volume during the long weekend holiday at the beginning of February 2024.

"This increase in the number of train trips is part of KAI's commitment to improve service to customers, especially during high seasons such as this long weekend," concluded Joni.

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