Tidak Sampai 24 Jam, Tersangka Penikaman Pelajar Diringkus Polisi, Ini Kronologisnya

PENIKAMAN: Tersangka penikaman berinsial DS (18) warga Jalan Cendrawasih Kelurahan Kebun Geran diamankan polisi. POLSEK GADING CEMPAKA/RB--

"It happened Sunday, February 11 2024 at 02.00 WIB, TKP (Crime Incident Place, ed) on Jalan Al-Mukarramah 6, Dusun Besar Village, Singaran Pati District," said Kadek.

Kadek explained that the stabbing incident started when DS touched the victim near the wedding party, then the victim reprimanded DS, feeling unhappy that DS immediately invited the victim to fight.

The victim was immediately attacked by DS. And stabbed a sharp weapon (sajam) under the left armpit.

“After that, the victim's friend took the victim to M Yunus Hospital, Bengkulu. "As a result of this incident, the victim suffered a stab wound under the left armpit and received stitches," explained Kadek.

The reason is, when you are at the location of a wedding party or crime scene. There were six people with DS, under the influence of alcohol. As they passed, they bumped into the victim, and there was a commotion.

"After the Macan Cempaka Opsnal Team received a report of an alleged criminal act of abuse that occurred on Jalan Al-Mukarramah 6. Next, the Macan Cempaka Opsnal Team moved to look for the perpetrator as well as a collection of witnesses and related CCTV around the crime scene," said Kadek.

Then, on Sunday morning at around 10.00 WIB. The Macan Cempaka Opsnal Team coordinated with witnesses to obtain further information.

As a result, at around 11.00 WIB, the Macan Cempaka Opsnal Team received information that the alleged perpetrator was in one of the houses in Sumur Dewa Village.

"Sunday, February 11 2024, at around 12.30 WIB, less than 24 hours later, the team that was already in Sumur Dewa Village immediately arrested the alleged perpetrator and evidence," said Kadek.

DS, who was successfully secured, was then taken to the Gading Cempaka Police Headquarters along with the evidence obtained by the police.

For his actions, DS was charged with Article 80 Paragraph 2 of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.

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