Incinerator Limbah Medis untuk Rumah Sakit di Bengkulu Akan Dibangun Di Sini

INCUBERATIOR: Incinerator atau alat pengelola limbah medis akan dibangun untuk Rumah Sakit yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu. FOTO: DOK/RB--

Yanmar explained that to complete other requirements, his party is currently preparing an Amdal, as well as processing an MoU to increase land ownership status.

From Pelindo to the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov). Apart from that, his party will also prepare roads and human resources for future operators.

Then, with regard to self-management, according to the requirements of the Ministry, it must be done by a third party, or by creating a UPTD.

"If there are no further obstacles, the ministry has also scheduled construction to begin in 2024," he said.

He added that once the Incinerator is functioning, all hospital medical waste in Bengkulu Province will be destroyed in the area.

"With this incinerator, the costs or value of expenses from those producing medical waste will certainly be reduced. During this time, medical waste will be destroyed on the island of Java," said Yanmar.

Yanmar hopes that this development can reduce the spread of waste in Bengkulu Province.

So, this will be a new breakthrough to accommodate all existing medical waste.

"This will be a meaningful solution for medical waste in Bengkulu, so this is a good breakthrough," concluded Yanmar.

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