Program Bangga Kencana 2023 Dievaluasi, Tahun 2024 Dioptimalisasi

EVALUASI: Pelaksanaan program Bangga Kencana dan penyerapan Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) terpadu tahun 2023 dievaluasi. Foto: Humas BKKBN Bengkulu--

"This has fueled our enthusiasm, hopefully in 2024 the Bangga Kencana program will run well and Bengkulu City will have zero stunting," he explained.

As is known, the Bangga Kencana Program is an acronym for Family Development, Population and Family Planning,

Which is one of the flagship programs of BKKBN. Bangga Kencana makes the family the basis for development and focuses on creating quality families.

The Bangga Kencana program focuses on creating quality families.

One of the focuses of the Bangga Kencana program is reducing stunting, which is also a national strategic program established by the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).

For Bengkulu City, the City Government through DP3AP2KB together with various stakeholders prepared five priority programs

Such as providing assistance by the Family Assistance Team (TPK) to strengthening the pentahelix where all related elements come together to coordinate and commit to reducing the stunting rate.


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