Operator Sosial di Desa Bisa Verifikasi Penerima Bansos, Ini Penjelasannya

OPERATOR: Saat ini pengajuan maupun pencoretan penerima bantuan sosial atau bansos tidak hanya bisa dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial. Namun Desa sudah memiliki operator sosial masing-masing yang bertugas mengelola data penerima bansos baik dari desa. DOK/RB--

“Harapan kita, bansos ini bisa menyentuh langsung masyarakat yang membutuhkan sehingga terjadi perubahan status ekonomi masyarakat,” pungkas Agus.

Sekadar mengetahui sepanjang 2023 lalu terjadi pengurangan jumlah penerima Program KEluarga Harapan (PKH) sebanyak 2.361 Keluarga Penerima Manfaat.

BACA JUGA:Jelang Akhir Masa Kampanye, Bawaslu Perketat Pengawasan

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Sedangkan untuk program Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) sebanyak 2.422 Keluarga Penerima Manfaat.

Mereka adalah masyarakat yang saat menerima berstatus memenuhi syarat ekonomi namun saat ini kondisi ekonominya sudah membaik.

Currently, applications for or removal of recipients of social assistance or social assistance cannot only be done by the Social Service.

However, villages already have their own social operators who are tasked with managing data on social assistance recipients from the village, regional government to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Head of North Bengkulu Social Affairs Agus Sudrajad, SKM explained that villages can apply themselves, including applying for replacements.

However, this must be based on village deliberations carried out by the village government with the Social Service.

"Because the village government knows best the conditions of their respective communities, including social assistance recipients," he explained.

The North Bengkulu Regency Government has also installed stickers or markers at every house that receives social assistance.

So that people can also know clearly who the social assistance recipients are in their respective villages.

"Including it is hoped that people who feel that their economy has improved can withdraw independently from receiving social assistance," he explained.

For people who are able and want to withdraw from receiving social assistance, he asked not only to declare their resignation but also to make a statement.

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