Operator Sosial di Desa Bisa Verifikasi Penerima Bansos, Ini Penjelasannya

OPERATOR: Saat ini pengajuan maupun pencoretan penerima bantuan sosial atau bansos tidak hanya bisa dilakukan oleh Dinas Sosial. Namun Desa sudah memiliki operator sosial masing-masing yang bertugas mengelola data penerima bansos baik dari desa. DOK/RB--

So that a replacement can be proposed with a community that is more entitled to receive social assistance so that it can be submitted by the village operator.

"We hope that this social assistance can directly touch people in need so that there will be changes in the economic status of the community," concluded Agus.

Just to note that throughout 2023 there was a reduction in the number of recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH) by 2,361 Beneficiary Families.

Meanwhile, for the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program there are 2,422 beneficiary families.

They are people who when they received the status met the economic requirements but now their economic conditions have improved.

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