Berebut Lahan Parkir, Jukir Dianiaya Rekan dengan Sajam Lapor Polisi, Begini Kronologisnya

JUKIR: Tidak terima lahan parkir digangu rekan sesama juru parkir (jukir). Dugaan penganiayaan sesama jukir di depan Toko New Khatulistiwa yang berada di Kelurahan Belakang Pondok, Kecamatan Ratu Samban berujung ke laporan polisi. FIKI/RB --

“Yes, it is true that there was persecution. "It has been handled by the Bengkulu Police," said Endang.

He explained that the incident started when the victim reprimanded the reported party for taking the victim's parking rights.

At the time of the incident, a parking service user arrived at the crime scene and had parked his vehicle in the victim's guard area.

And suddenly the reported party was told to move to the parking area belonging to the reported party.

Because of this, the victim then reprimanded the reported party, when he was reprimanded the reported party did not accept it,

so there was a difference between the two of them, in the end the reported party took out the prayer knife he had stored in his waist and pointed it straight at the victim.

"The knife hit the victim's right arm, resulting in two scratches," he said.

Luckily, the incident was quickly resolved by other carers' colleagues, so the dispute did not last long.

"As a result of this incident, the victim reported this case," he said.

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