9 Pakta Integritas OPD, Tuntaskan Keluhan Masyarakat 24 Jam, Pj Walikota: Kalau Tidak Mampu, Harus Dirotasi

OPD: Seluruh Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bengkulu melakukan penandatanganan kontrak kerja untuk tahun 2024. ALVIN/RB--

“Semua memiliki tugas dan tupoksi masing-masing, jadi karena ini sudah jadi komitmen bersama, ayo mari kita bangun Kota Bengkulu lebih baik,” tutupnya.


All Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) The Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) signed a work contract for 2024.

The Bengkulu City Government emphasizes that every OPD can follow up on public complaints, even within 24 hours, and this is stated in the 9 points of the signed Integrity Pact.

The Acting Mayor of Bengkulu, Arif Gunadi, said that currently the OPD needs to improve performance and discipline to ensure that development of Bengkulu City can be carried out in a sustainable manner.

“It is very important to improve performance and discipline at work. "We hope that the OPD ranks in the City Government can provide the best efforts from various aspects," said Arif.

Arif continued that each OPD Head must supervise all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in each OPD they lead.

This is done to ensure all comply with the 9 emphasized points of the Integrity Pact.

"We ask that you always supervise and monitor, so that ASN can work optimally to advance Bengkulu City," explained Arif.

He also conveyed the obligations of the OPD response regarding complaints from the people of Bengkulu City.

It is hoped that with the synergy that has been established so far, all the problems that occur in Bengkulu City can be resolved.

"The response must be within 24 hours after being reported, this is important, because the people of Bengkulu City are religious and happy," said Arif.

In the future, if there are findings of discrepancies or OPD does not respond to public reports,

So Bengkulu City Government ASN must be willing to be transferred, rotated, demoted or even relieved of their duties.

"Of course, if you are unable to carry out your duties, then in accordance with the Intergrity Pact, you must be prepared to rotate in accordance with applicable regulations," said Arif.

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