HKPGS Terima Ambulans dari Pemkot, Gusril: Tidak Ada Unsur Politik

AMBULANS: Himpunan Keluarga Padang Guci Serumpun (HKPGS) Provinsi Bengkulu, Jumat 2 Februari 2024 menerima bantuan satu unit Ambulans dari Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bengkulu. FIKI/RB--
Disamping itu, sangat mengapresiasi bantuan Ambulans dari Pemkot Bengkulu.
“Semoga Ambulans ini dapat bermanfaat, dan dapat digunakan sebaik mungkin,” tutupnya.
Padang Guci Serumpun Family Association (HKPGS) Bengkulu Province, Friday 2 February 2024 received assistance from one unitAmbulance from the Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot).
The ambulance unit was handed over to the Acting Officer (Pj). Mayor of Bengkulu, Ir. Arif Gunadi
To the Chairman of HKPGS Bengkulu Province, Mitrui Ajemi at his house on Jalan Sumas Raya, Kandang Mas Village, Kampung Melayu District.
Arif Gunadi said that HKPGS had proposed a request for ambulance assistance to the Bengkulu City Government five months ago.
"Thank God, today (yesterday, ed) we can submit the Ambulance proposal to HKPGS," said Gunadi.
He explained that the ambulance assistance provided to HKPGS was a form of Bengkulu City Government's attention to community organizations in Bengkulu.
Assistance such as ambulances, explained Gunadi, is not only given to HKPGS.
The Bengkulu City Government has provided quite a lot of ambulance assistance to community organizations in Bengkulu City.
“There are various tribes in Bengkulu City, and we do not exclude all of them. "Everything is the same," said Gunadi.
Gunadi hopes that the ambulance assistance can be utilized as best as possible by HKPGS Bengkulu Province.
"We also hope that this ambulance will be useful for the local community," he concluded.
Meanwhile, in his speech, the Chairman of the Bengkulu Province HKPGS, Gusril Pausi, S.Sos., M.Ap emphasized,
The ambulance assistance provided by the Bengkulu City Government to the HKPGS of Bengkulu Province has no political content in it.