HKPGS Terima Ambulans dari Pemkot, Gusril: Tidak Ada Unsur Politik

AMBULANS: Himpunan Keluarga Padang Guci Serumpun (HKPGS) Provinsi Bengkulu, Jumat 2 Februari 2024 menerima bantuan satu unit Ambulans dari Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bengkulu. FIKI/RB--

Meanwhile, in his speech, the Chairman of the Bengkulu Province HKPGS, Gusril Pausi, S.Sos., M.Ap emphasized,

The ambulance assistance provided by the Bengkulu City Government to the HKPGS of Bengkulu Province has no political content in it.

"There are no political elements here, we (Gusril and Acting Mayor, ed) are not running as legislative candidates," said Gusril.

Apart from that, we really appreciate the ambulance assistance from the Bengkulu City Government.

"Hopefully this ambulance can be useful, and can be used as well as possible," he concluded.

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