Ini Tarif Terbaru Penyeberangan Eksekutif Merak-Bakauheni

TARIF: Tarif penyeberangan Dermaga Eksekutif Pelabuhan Penyebrangan Merak dan Bakauheni ditetapkan naik mulai 1 Februari 2024. DOK/RB--

- Golongan V

Kendaraan Penumpang : Rp1.225.928

Kendaraan Barang : Rp904.923

- Golongan VI

Kendaraan Penumpang : Rp2.015.985

Kendaraan Barang : Rp 1.366.620

- Golongan VII : Rp1.975.580

- Golongan VIII : Rp2.619.845

- Golongan IX : Rp3.998.920


Merak and Bakauheni Ferry Port Executive Pier crossing rates are set to increase starting February 1 2024.

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) confirmed the tariff adjustment for this express ship service, referring to the Letter of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia

Number PR.302/4/16 PHB 2023 dated 15 November 2023, concerning Approval of Adjustments to Port Service Tariffs at the Merak and Bakauheni Ferry Port Executive Pier Services of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero).

ASDP Corporate Secretary Shelvy Arifin said that the implementation of this tariff adjustment was carried out to improve ferry transportation services, shipping safety and security.

Apart from that, this is also done to maintain the continuity of the ferry transportation industry and increase competitiveness with other modes.

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