Program Dapur Masuk Sekolah, jadi Program Unggulan Kodam II/Sriwijaya

DAPUR: Program Unggulan Kodam II/Sriwijaya, yakni “Program Dapur Masuk Sekolah” mulai bergulir di Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kota Bengkulu. DOK/RB--

“Kegiatan seperti ini (dapur masuk sekolah) harus terus dilakukan. Tak hanya sekolah di tengah kota saja, di pinggiran kota juga akan kita lakukan,” tambahnya.

Pada intinya, Pemerintah selalu mendukung kegiatan-kegiatan positif yang bermanfaat untuk kemaslahatan masyarakat. 

Selain itu, apabila ada masyarakat membutuhkan bantuan pemerintah dapat melaporkan ke OPD terkait sesuai dengan permasalahan yang terjadi.

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Sementara itu, Dandim 0407 Kota Bengkulu diwakili Kasdim Letnan Kolonel Kavaleri Budiman menerangkan, Program Unggulan Kodam II/Sriwijaya 

“Dapur Masuk Sekolah” ini bertujuan sebagai bentuk kepedulian TNI AD untuk menambah nilai gizi anak-anak sekolah. 

Kodam II/Sriwijaya's flagship program, namely the "Kitchen to School Program" is starting to roll out at State Elementary Schools in Bengkulu City.

The program, which was initiated directly by Pangdam II/Sriwijaya, Major General TNI Yanuar Adil, this time targets students attending SDN 73, in Singaran Pati District, Saturday (3/2).

In this "Kitchen Entering School" activity, Kodim 0407/Bengkulu City has distributed food and additional menus to students.

Acting Mayor of Bengkulu, Arif Gunadi, expressed his gratitude to Kodim 0407/Bengkulu City for facilitating school entry kitchen activities, which is the flagship program of Kodam II/Sriwijaya.

Then, on behalf of the Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot), Arif Gunadi said he was ready to support various positive activities such as school kitchens, especially as this is an effort to reduce the stunting rate according to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.

"The priority of the Central Government is to handle stunting in every region, so that in various regions the stunting rate is 'zero'," said Arif.

In Bengkulu City itself, based on the health survey during the coordination meeting with the Pempus, the stunting rate in Bengkulu City was zero, but there are still those who are at risk of stunting.

Therefore, the government together with stakeholders have carried out various interventions to meet the nutritional intake of children in Bengkulu City, as a form of preventing stunting.

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