Program Dapur Masuk Sekolah, jadi Program Unggulan Kodam II/Sriwijaya

DAPUR: Program Unggulan Kodam II/Sriwijaya, yakni “Program Dapur Masuk Sekolah” mulai bergulir di Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kota Bengkulu. DOK/RB--

“Activities like this (school entrance kitchens) must continue to be carried out. "Not only schools in the city center, we will also do this in the suburbs," he added.

In essence, the Government always supports positive activities that are beneficial for the benefit of society.

Apart from that, if there are people who need government assistance, they can report it to the relevant OPD according to the problem that has occurred.

Meanwhile, Dandim 0407 Bengkulu City, represented by Kasdim Lieutenant Colonel Cavalry Budiman, explained that the Flagship Program of Kodam II/Sriwijaya

This "School Entrance Kitchen" aims to show the TNI AD's concern for increasing the nutritional value of school children.


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