Tersangka Curas Depan Balai BUntar Diringkus Polisi, Begini Kronologisnya

Kamis 08 Feb 2024 - 23:43 WIB
Reporter : Fiki Susadi
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Kemudian, salah satu terduga pelaku merampas satu unit Handpone (Hp) merek Samsung Galaxy A 13 Warna Hitam milik korban, sembari mengacungkan senjata tajam ke arah korban. 

“Untuk sajam sendiri jenis apa masih kita selidiki. Saat ini kasus ini masih kita kembangkan,” jelasnya. 

Setelah kejadian, korban langsung mendatangi Polsek Gading Cempaka untuk melaporkan kejadian yang baru saja mereka alami. 

Mendapati laporan tersebut, lantas tim Macan Gading langsung melakukan penyelidikan terhadap terduga pelaku Curas. 

BACA JUGA: PH: Ada Pihak Lain Lebih Bertanggung Jawab, 2 Terdakwa Asrama Haji Dituntut Berbeda

BACA JUGA:Mantan Direktur PDAM RL Divonis 1 Tahun Penjara, Jumlah KN, Hakim Beda Pendapat

Kemudian, pada 6 Februari 2024, tim Macan Gading dan tim Bamtek Ditreskrimum Polda Bengkulu berhasil melacak keberadaan terduga pelaku. 

Kemudian, pada Rabu, 7 Februari 2024 sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB akhirnya satu terduga pelaku berinisial BH berhasil diamankan. 

“Saat ini untuk tersangka BH, sudah kita amankan di sel tahanan Polsek Gading Cempakan,” tutupnya.

The suspect in violent theft (Curas) with the initials BH (26) was successfully arrested by the Macan Gading team, Gading Cempaka Police and the Bengkulu Police Ditreskrimum Bantek team while in Panorama Village.

BH is a resident of Empat Lawang Regency, South Sumatra Province (Sumsel) in Bengkulu, lives in Panorama Village, Singgaran Pati District.

BH was arrested after carrying out a Curas action in front of Buntar Hall, Bengkulu City.

Bengkulu Police Chief, Police Commissioner. Deddy Nata, S.I.K, through Gading Cempaka Police Chief, Police Commissioner. Kadek Suwantoro, SH, S.I.K explained, based on the victim's statement, BH was not alone when he acted. It is estimated that five people were also involved in the action.

“The crime scene was at the red light at the Balai Buntar intersection. "There are five suspected perpetrators," said Kadek.

Kadek explained that the chronology of the incident was that at that time the victim and a friend went out to look for cigarettes.

Because it was quite late at that time, they looked for a stall that was still open.

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