KPU Kaur Mencatat Ada 30 TPS Blank Spot, Berikut Kesulitannya

TPS: Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kaur mencatat, ada sebanyak 30 Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) blank spot di wilayah terpencil. DOK/RB--

In order to document the calculation results using a cellphone first.

Then the cellphone will be taken to a location that has an internet connection to send the vote counting results.

"We will order the officers there to continue to quickly send the calculation results. So that they can be uploaded quickly to the Sirekap application," said Muklis.

Muklis explained that the 30 TPS that entered the blank spot area were spread across 15 sub-districts throughout Kaur Regency.

Monitoring the locations of 30 blank spot TPSs are areas that are difficult to reach.

What's worse is that access to the 30 blank spot TPS is yellow land which will also be a major factor in the difficulty of sending recap data.

"However, the general public who are curious about the regional election results can access in the evening to get an overview of the 2024 election results," explained Muklis.

He added, of the 434 polling stations in Kaur Regency, 367 of them had medium strong signal quality, 37 were weak while the remaining 30 had no signal.

However, now the party is trying to find a solution regarding this network.

His party is also providing training with PPS, KPPS and PPK regarding the Sirekap technique which requires uploading the vote count results after the vote count is carried out later.

"From the results of the upload that we will carry out later, it will be read using Sirekap. How many votes each election participant received," he said.

Meanwhile, Bengkulu Regional Police Chief AKBP H. Eko Budiman S.IK, M.IK, M.Si, is ready to mobilize all his members to secure the implementation of the upcoming elections.

Be it, logistics distribution up to the day of the election.

"We will carry out supervision regarding logistics senders. Especially in remote areas," emphasized the Police Chief.

Regarding security for the upcoming elections, the Kaur Police itself is ready to deploy all its personnel.

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