KPU Kaur Mencatat Ada 30 TPS Blank Spot, Berikut Kesulitannya

TPS: Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kaur mencatat, ada sebanyak 30 Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) blank spot di wilayah terpencil. DOK/RB--

The security pattern for the Police Chief explained that it would be divided into three, namely, less vulnerable TPS, vulnerable TPS, and then very vulnerable TPS.

For less vulnerable polling stations, two personnel will be placed in 5 polling stations, then for vulnerable polling stations, two personnel will be placed in 1 polling station, while for vulnerable polling stations, one personnel will be placed in 1 polling station.

"There are three very vulnerable TPS in Kaur Regency. Namely two TPS in Tanjung Kemuning and one TPS in Permanent District," said the Police Chief.

He added that checking remote, blankspot and dangerous TPS locations had been carried out some time ago

The aim is to plan security for distribution and also the implementation of future elections.

"We are committed to overseeing the implementation of this election until it is finished and runs smoothly," he said.

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