Ini Cara Pemprov Sumut Kendalikan Inflasi

INFLASI: Melalui transformasi digital Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Sumatera Utara (Sumut), terus melakukan inovasi di berbagai bidang guna pengendalian inflasi. DOK/RB--

"We also intervene directly, such as during the rice price fluctuations in North Sumatra yesterday, but with digitalization we also have data that can be used as a consideration for making policies," said Hassanudin.

Meanwhile, the Acting Governor of Lemhanas, Laksdya TNI Maman Firmansyah, said that the North Sumatra Provincial Government had carried out a good digital transformation.

He suggested that the North Sumatra Provincial Government improve connectivity within the region and to other regions.

"It's extraordinary, North Sumatra has been very good at digital transformation, this will be one of our references to be used as an example in other regions, our suggestion is for North Sumatra to increase connectivity with other regions," said Admiral TNI Maman Firmansyah.

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