Sehari 9 Laporan, Kabid Humas: Sudah Ditangani

Minggu 04 Feb 2024 - 23:54 WIB
Reporter : Fiki Susadi
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Mengingat saat ini intensitas curah hujan yang tidak menentu di Provinsi Bengkulu sehingga tidak menjadi korban kecelakaan lalulintas.

BACA JUGA:Korban Ayah Kandung, PPA: Fisik Aman, Psikis Ganguan

BACA JUGA:Kurir Sabu 16 Paket Tertangkap, Bandar Diburu

Selain itu, Kabid Humas Polda Bengkulu juga menyampaikan bahwa Polri sangat membutuhkan kerjasama dari masyarakat luas untuk menjalankan tugasnya.

Salah satunya peran aktif dari seluruh elemen masyarakat yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu terutama dalam menjaga keamanan lingkungan masing-masing.

“Kami sangat mengharapkan peran serta dari seluruh masyarakat untuk bersama menjaga situasi dilingkungan sekitar agar situasi di Bengkulu makin kondusif.” pungkas Kabid Humas Polda Bengkulu.

During 24 hours the Bengkulu Regional Police (Polda) and the Polres ranks received 9 reports.

9 public reports were received by the Bengkulu Police and District Police on Saturday (3/2).

Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Regional Police, Police Commissioner Anuardi SIK, MSi, said that the situation in Bengkulu Province remained conducive for 24 hours.

From the situation data obtained, there were 9 public reports and they were reported to the Bengkulu Police, Bengkulu Police, North Bengkulu Police, South Bengkulu Police, Seluma Police, Rejang Lebong Police, Kaur Police, and Mukomuko Police.

As for public reports received by the Bengkulu Regional Police, 1 case was recorded, namely regarding the narcotics methamphetamine.

At the Bengkulu Police, 4 reports were recorded, namely adultery, peaceful demonstrations, abuse and livestock theft (curnak).

At the South Bengkulu Police Station, 1 report was recorded, namely about a traffic accident (lakalantas), at the North Bengkulu Police Station there were 2 reports, the second report was about a traffic accident.

And at the Central Bengkulu Police, there was 1 report regarding theft by weighting a motorbike.

"Of the 9 reports received, there were no reports of outstanding cases and all of them have been handled by each police station." to the Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Regional Police.

Regarding this matter, the Head of Public Relations of the Bengkulu Regional Police appealed to the entire public to always be alert and careful when driving on the main road.

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