Peringatan Isra Mikraj jadikan Ukhuwah Islamiyah di Tahun Politik

Jumat 09 Feb 2024 - 00:57 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

This was conveyed by the Governor of Bengkulu, Prof. Dr. H. Rohidin Mersyah, MMA while attending the Isra Mikraj Commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1445 H/2024 AD, with Ustaz Dimas Rahman at the Baitul Izzah Grand Mosque in Bengkulu on 27 Rajab 1445 Hijrah or 7 February 2024.

The Isra Mikraj commemorative momentum, according to him, is a good momentum to strengthen Islamic ukhuwah or brotherhood among Muslims.

As well as momentum for Muslims to reflect on themselves, so that they can further improve the quality of worship, faith and piety in order to become better Muslims.

"Through this momentum, hopefully the prayers of the people of Bengkulu will increase, bringing blessings to the region," said Rohidin.

Not only will the general election be held on February 14 2024, this year the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) will also be held.

That way, brotherhood between people will continue to be well maintained, even if there are different views or choices.

"At this moment, I as Governor of Bengkulu hope that the entire community can make this event a form of strengthening brotherhood," said Rohidin.

Apart from that, in the momentum of Isra Mikraj in 2024, he also gave a special message to the people of Bengkulu Province so that they can create a conducive and peaceful election atmosphere.

Because according to him, that is one of the essences of the great event of Isra Mikraj.

"We are currently in a political year, therefore, through this momentum, the essence is that we hope to create peaceful, peaceful elections," he said.

Meanwhile, Ustaz Dimas Rahman, who was present to give his sermon at the Isra Mikraj commemoration of the Bengkulu Provincial Government, said that Ukhuwah Islamiyah is something that can be learned from the Isra Mikraj event.

This is also a great event carried out by the great man who Allah SWT created, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

As it is known, in the Isra Mikraj, the order came down to carry out obligatory prayers five times a day and night.

"Of the many lessons we can take from the Isra Mikraj event, it is to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood," explained Dimas.

For this reason, he invited the people of Bengkulu Province to work together to protect ukhuwah. Don't be divided by anything, including the implementation of the General Election and Pilkada which will be held in 2024.

"Let's protect our Ismailiyah Brotherhood. Hopefully this year will go well, especially in the elections which will be held soon. Hopefully it will be safe, orderly and peaceful," said Dimas.

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