Incinerator Limbah Medis untuk Rumah Sakit di Bengkulu Akan Dibangun Di Sini

Sabtu 17 Feb 2024 - 23:16 WIB
Reporter : Abdilatul Fatwa
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Ia menambahkan, nantinya setelah Incinerator ini berfungsi maka seluruh limbah medis Rumah Sakit yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu akan dimusnahkan di kawasan tersebut.

BACA JUGA:Musim Hujan, 28 Hektare Sawah Maret Siap Ditanami, Petani Menunggu Bantuan Bibit

BACA JUGA:Pergub PPDB 2024 Sedang Digodok, Dewan Minta Petakan Kebutuhan Tiap Sekolah

"Dengan adanya insinerator ini nanti tentu cost atau nilai pengeluaran dari pihak penghasil limbah medis nanti akan berkurang. Selama inikan limbah medis dimusnahkan ke pulau Jawa " ungkap Yanmar. 

Yanmar mengharapkan, dengan adanya pembangunan ini dapat menekan penyebaran limbah yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu.

Sehingga, ini akan menjadi terobosan baru untuk menampung seluruh limbah medis yang ada.

“Ini akan menjadi solusi yang berarti untuk limbah medis yang ada di Bengkulu, sehingga ini terobosan yang baik ya,” tutup Yanmar.

Incinerators or medical waste management equipment will be built for hospitals in Bengkulu Province.

The construction of this incinerator will be carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

This was explained by the Head of the Waste Management, B3 Waste and Pollution Control Division of the Bengkulu Province LHK Service, Yanmar Mahadi.

He said the construction of this incinerator is planned for 2024.

In constructing the incinerator, his party was asked to complete several things, including providing land.

Considering that the construction of the incinerator must be in an industrial area, the land has been determined in the Sepang Bay area, Bengkulu City, and 2 hectares have even been plotted.

"We have prepared the land, because the requirements must be in an industrial area, it is set in the Sepang Bay area. We have also plotted the area with Pelindo," said Yanmar.

Yanmar explained that to complete other requirements, his party is currently preparing an Amdal, as well as processing an MoU to increase land ownership status.

From Pelindo to the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov). Apart from that, his party will also prepare roads and human resources for future operators.

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