Wow! Pabrik Rokok Pertama di Bengkulu, Sedang Proses Perizinan, KPPBC Tunggu Pengajuan Pita Cukai
PABRIK: Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai (KPPBC) Tipe Madya Pabean C Bengkulu tunggu pengajuan pita cukai, pabrik rokok pertama di Bengkulu. BELA/RB--
Beberapa di antaranya telah diserahkan kepada aparat penegak hukum, sementara 208 kasus lainnya menyebabkan barang menjadi milik negara (BMN)," demikian Koen.
Customs and Excise Supervision and Services Office (KPPBC) Middle Type Customs C Bengkulu is waiting for the application for excise stamps, the first cigarette factory in Bengkulu.
This cigarette factory with the Coffee Trift brand is targeted to start operating in March 2024.
Head of KPPBC Bengkulu, Koen Rachmanto, at the press release of the Bengkulu Province APBN Performance at the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of Bengkulu Province, said that the cigarette factory is managed by Rafflesia Mekar Mandiri, which is in Rejang Lebong Regency.
"The cigarette factory managed by Raflesia Mekar Mandiri is in Rejang Lebong. To be precise, it is in Curup," he said.
Raflesia Mekar Mandiri submitted its application to KPPBC Bengkulu around December 2023. Who initially submitted a request for a location inspection.
"The factory has also conducted presentations and interviews," he explained.
Koen said that currently his party is still waiting for the excise stamp application to find out how much the first cigarette factory will produce under the Coffee Trift brand.
"So they will make production projections, from there they will purchase excise stamps from Bengkulu Customs and Excise. We are still waiting for their proposal," he explained.
Because it's new, not yet in production. Currently the licensing process is underway, which will later be issued by Customs.
"They haven't submitted a request for a tax tape. If it has been submitted, then we will know how much has been taxed," said Koen.
Through this cigarette factory, Koen hopes to suppress the circulation of illegal cigarettes in Bengkulu Province.
Apart from that, it is hoped that this cigarette factory can produce cigarettes at competitive prices. Especially for the segment which is usually filled by illegal cigarettes at lower prices.
"Currently, the price of legal cigarettes in Bengkulu is above IDR 20 thousand per pack, while illegal cigarettes are usually sold for IDR 10 thousand," he explained.
He added that the existence of this factory also has the potential to become a regional economic driver.