5 Rumah hingga Jalan Terdampak Longsor di Kecamatan Bermani Ilir Kepahiang

LONGSOR: Tak kurang 5 unit rumah dan badan jalan di Kecamatan Bermani Ilir terdampak longsor. Dokumentasi Warga/RB--

Dari pendataan petugas BPBD Kabupaten Kepahiang di lapangan diketahui, longsor di pemukiman warga sepanjang 70 meter dengan ketinggian 30 meter.

"Untuk kondisi terkini, jalan sudah dibersihkan warga dan sudah bisa dilalui kendaraan. Sedangkan  tiang listrik sudah dievakuasi oleh PLN.," ujar Jhon.

BACA JUGA:Opsi Bedah Rumah Korban Longsor, Ini Syarat Supaya Bisa Dapat BSPS!

BACA JUGA:Respon Cepat Longsor Lintas Lebong-Rejang Lebong, Gubernur Turunkan Alat Berat

Pihaknya berharap pengendara dan warga yang ada di lokasi tetap waspada.

Sebab, tak menutup kemungkinan longsor susulan bisa saja terjadi. 

Di Kabupaten Kepahiang sendiri, dari pendataan terakhir yang dilakukan BPBD setidaknya ada 62 titik di wilayah desa/kelurahan Kabupaten Kepahiang masuk dalam kategori rawan bencana. 

Mulai dari bencana banjir, longsor hingga puting beliung. Dari sebaran titik rawan bencana tersebut, terbanyak berada di Kecamatan Kepahiang. Yakni, tersebar di 5 kelurahan dan 9 desa.

No less than 5 houses and roads in Bermani Ilir District were affected by landslides.

From the data collection carried out by the Rapid Response Team (TRC) of the Kepahiang Regency Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Friday 2 February 2024, it was confirmed that there were no fatalities in this incident.

It is known that the landslide which started to occur due to heavy rain since Wednesday 31 January 2024 at around 18.00 WIB has caused the Jalan Lintas Batu Belarik to Taba Baru Village, Bermani District to be buried by landslides.

Not only that, the landslide also caused 5 housing units of residents of Batu Belarik Village, Bermani Ilir District to be affected by the landslide.

The landslide also caused 2 electricity poles to collapse.

The condition of the road was still muddy, causing traffic jams because four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles could not pass.

"The landslide caused the road to be blocked by landslides. So motorbikes and cars could not pass," explained Acting Head of BPBD Kepahiang Regency Hendra, ST through BPBD officer Jhon Junaidi, ST.

It was explained that the landslide was triggered by heavy rain which caused the lands in the yards behind residents' houses to be eroded.

"There are 5 residential housing units affected," added Hendra.

From data collection by Kepahiang Regency BPBD officers in the field, it is known that the landslide in residential areas was 70 meters long and 30 meters high.

"As for the current conditions, the road has been cleared by residents and is now passable for vehicles. Meanwhile, the electricity poles have been evacuated by PLN," said Jhon.

He hopes that motorists and residents at the location will remain alert.

Because, it is possible that further landslides could occur.

In Kepahiang Regency itself, from the latest data collection carried out by BPBD there are at least 62 points in the villages/sub-districts of Kepahiang Regency that are in the disaster-prone category.

Starting from floods, landslides to tornadoes. Of the distribution of disaster-prone points, the majority are in Kepahiang District. Namely, spread across 5 sub-districts and 9 villages.


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