Pemkot Usulkan Kuota 113 CPNS dan 2.500 PPPK Tahun Ini, Ini Formasi Paling Banyak

USULAN: Tahun ini Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bengkulu mengusulkan 113 kuota penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Pemkot juga mengusulkan 2.500 kuota penerimaan Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kinerja (PPPK). DOK/RB--

Apalagi saat ini, Pemkot Bengkulu sedang mengembangkan Rumah Sakit Tino Galo (RSTG), sudah tentu membutuhkan cukup banyak tenaga kesehatan. 

“RSU HD juga membutuhkan beberapa dokter saat ini,” ucapnya. 

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Walaupun demikan, semua itu hanya usulan dari Pemkot Bengkulu. karena, yang akan menentukan usulan tersebut adalah Pemeritah Pusat. 

“Kita lihat saja apa petunjuk lebih lanjut dari Pemerintah Pusat,” tutupnya.


A breath of fresh air for all the people of Bengkulu City who want to become civil servants this year.

Prepare yourself as best as possible before becoming a contestant to compete with other contestants as potential civil servants.

The reason is, this year the Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) proposed 113 quotas for accepting Civil Servant Candidates (PNS).

Apart from that, the City Government also proposed a quota of 2,500 for the acceptance of Government Employees with Performance Agreements (PPPK) in 2018.

Assistant I to the Bengkulu City Government Secretariat, Eko Agusrianto, said that the proposal for CPNS and PPPK quotas had been submitted by the Bengkulu City Government to the Central Government via the State Civil Apparatus Information System (SIASN).

"We have submitted the 2024 PPPK and CPNS quotas," said Eko.

The proposal put forward by the Bengkulu City Government is an instruction from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN RB) of the Republic of Indonesia, because this year registration for CPNS and PPPK will be opened again.

“All of this is still a proposal. "The definite quota will be obtained after being determined by the Central Government," he explained.

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