Ratusan APK Caleg Bandel di Bengkulu Utara Diturunkan Paksa, Begini Kata Bawaslu

BANDEL: Masih banyak ditemukan alat peraga kampanye atau APK jenis baliho dan spanduk Pilleg yang masih terpasang terutama di badan-badan jalan. MInggu, 11 Februari 2024, tim gabungan Bawaslu, TNI, Polri dan Satpol PP melakukan penertiban. SHANDY/RB--

On quiet days, legislative and presidential candidates are not only not allowed to hold meetings or meet face to face with the public during the campaign period.

However, in fact, there are still many campaign props or APK types of billboards and legislative banners which are still installed, especially on roads.

Yesterday, a joint team from Bawaslu, TNI, Polri and Satpol PP carried out control.

Yesterday the joint team forcibly removed the campaign props that were still installed.

The billboards were taken to the Bawaslu office and confiscated because they were no longer allowed to be installed on quiet days.

Chairman of North Bengkulu Bawaslu Tri Suyanto, SE explained that Bawaslu had taken persuasive steps.

Bawaslu has carried out outreach including writing to all political parties regarding the calm period.

"Because as of 00.01 WIB today (yesterday, ed) we have entered a quiet period and legislative candidates are no longer allowed to carry out campaign activities," he explained.

He explained that yesterday the Bawaslu joint team carried out joint control in all regions.

This is in the context of enforcing compliance with the election law which regulates the campaign period and quiet period.

"During the calm period, no attributes used must be installed, so everything must be removed," he explained.

Yesterday he also monitored the implementation of the same control in each sub-district.

So today it is hoped that there will be no more campaign props installed in the North Bengkulu area.

"Control is also carried out at the sub-district level by the PPPK and the Head of the Sub-district Trantib Section," he explained.

He reminded all election participants, both legislative candidates and political parties, to comply with election rules, especially those related to campaigns and the quiet period.

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