Ratusan APK Caleg Bandel di Bengkulu Utara Diturunkan Paksa, Begini Kata Bawaslu

BANDEL: Masih banyak ditemukan alat peraga kampanye atau APK jenis baliho dan spanduk Pilleg yang masih terpasang terutama di badan-badan jalan. MInggu, 11 Februari 2024, tim gabungan Bawaslu, TNI, Polri dan Satpol PP melakukan penertiban. SHANDY/RB--

So that no more campaign activities can be carried out until the voting on February 14 2024.

"I ask all election participants to comply with the applicable rules so that they can create conducive votes in their respective regions," he explained.

He also confirmed that the Bawaslu team is currently tightening supervision at each level.

Starting from village supervisors, sub-district supervisors to Bawaslu, including TPS supervisors when all logistics will start to be distributed to KPPS.


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