Bank Syariah Indonesia Kelola Asset Under Custody Sebesar Rp85 Triliun

Sabtu 10 Feb 2024 - 22:46 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Strategi bisnis tersebut mampu menjaga kinerja keuangan BSI tumbuh impresif.

Itu tecermin dari laba perseroan yang terkerek 33,88 persen year-on-year (YoY) menjadi Rp5,70 triliun. 

Investor juga memberikan tanggapan positif hingga menjadikan kapitalisasi pasar BSI menembus Rp100 triliun.

BACA JUGA:BSI Salurkan Pembiayaan Sindikasi

’’Business model yang fleksibel dan terkoneksi dengan digital juga memberikan peran strategis dalam mendorong pertumbuhan kinerja.

Dengan business model yang fleksibel dan terdigitalisasi, BSI mampu mengakses masyarakat di semua segmen, baik masyarakat individu atau ritel, pelaku UMKM, maupun korporat,” terang Anna. 

Grafis Bisnis Beyond Banking BSI: 

- Asset under custody: Rp 85 triliun

- Kapitalisasi saham BRIS: Rp 107,48 triliun

- Merchant QRIS: 273.900 

- Total transaksi QRIS: 12,3 juta transaksi

- BSI Smart Agent: 86.200 agen dengan 19,6 juta transaksi

- BSI Mobile: 6,3 juta user

- Volume transaksi: Rp 467 triliun

Sumber: Bank Syariah Indonesia

Banking sharia continue to push the business beyond banking and go global.

Increasing international services and digital channels is being encouraged. Including investors' capital market transactions.

PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk ( BSI ) has officially obtained a full license to operate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

This strengthens the bank resulting from the merger of three state-owned sharia banks to develop global corporate business in the Middle East region.

Such as carrying out international trade finance transaction services, exports and imports, financing for corporations, as well as syndicated financing.

“This is important in line with BSI's target of becoming a global sharia bank that competes on the world stage.

"Moreover, so far all trade transactions between Indonesian and Middle Eastern companies have mostly been through foreign banks," said BSI Treasury and International Banking Director Moh. Adib, Thursday 8 February 2024.

BSI is also the only sharia commercial bank with sharia-based custodian, trustee and agency services.

In this way, it can support sharia-compliant investments and complement investors' capital market transaction needs.

"To date, BSI has managed assets under custody reaching almost IDR 85 trillion.

and become the only custodian bank with the status of a sharia commercial bank in Indonesia," said BSI Senior Vice President International and Financial Institutions Anna Kristanty.

This business strategy is able to keep BSI's financial performance growing impressively.

This is reflected in the company's profit increasing 33.88 percent year-on-year (YoY) to IDR 5.70 trillion.

Investors also gave positive responses, bringing BSI's market capitalization to IDR 100 trillion.

“Business models that are flexible and connected to digital also provide a strategic role in driving performance growth.

"With a flexible and digitalized business model, BSI is able to access society in all segments, both individual and retail, MSMEs and corporates," explained Anna.


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