Hari Libur Dukcapil Tetap Buka, Ini Alasannya

Sabtu 10 Feb 2024 - 23:25 WIB
Reporter : Fiki Susadi
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Dan pencetakan e-KTP dan dokumen kependudukan lainnya di hari libur dari tanggal 8, 9, 10 dan 11 Februari 2024 dari jam 08.00 S.D 14.00 WIB,” beber Widodo.

Terpisah, Pj Walikota Bengkulu Arif Gunadi mengungkapkan, bahwasanya

Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Bengkulu telah menunjukkan komitmennya secara maksimal

terhadap pelayanan publik, dengan tetap membuka layanan pada hari libur nasional.

Following up on the Letter of the Director General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Number: 400.8.1.2/615/Dukcapil dated 6 February 2024 regarding Dukcapil Services on holidays and the implementation of the 2024 Election.

The Bengkulu City Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil) will continue to carry out population document services on 8, 9, 10 and 11 to 14 February 2024 during the upcoming elections.

Dukcapil services start from 08.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB. Dukcapil is ready to serve people who will take care of their population documents during this holiday, especially those who want to record e-KTPs and print e-KTPs as well as activate Digital Population Identity (IKD).

It is hoped that people will use their holiday time to take care of their population documents, especially for the purposes of the upcoming election, so that no resident of Bengkulu City will be unable to exercise their right to vote because they do not have an e-KTP.

Head of Dukcapil Widodo said that during this long holiday his party had alerted population administration service officers at the office.

This is a form of maximum service that can be provided to the community.

"For this reason, we inform the entire community. "The Dukcapil Service will continue to open services for recording and printing e-KTPs and other population documents on holidays from 8, 9, 10 and 11 February 2024 from 08.00 to 14.00 WIB," explained Widodo.

Separately, the Acting Mayor of Bengkulu, Arif Gunadi, revealed that the Bengkulu City Population and Civil Registration Service has shown its maximum commitment to public services, by continuing to open services on national holidays.

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