Potensi Rekrut Ulang 600 Lebih PPK, PPS dan KPPS, Begini Penjelasannya

REKRUT: Potensi rekrut ulang PPK, PPS dan KPPS di 215 desa dan 5 kelurahan di Bengkulu Utara lebih dari 600 orang. DOK/RB--

The Indonesian KPU has determined the schedule for regional head elections including the Regent and Deputy Regent, including North Bengkulu Regency.

In KPU Regulation or PKPU 02/2024, the Indonesian KPU has set a schedule for holding regional elections starting next April.

During this stage, the recruitment of the District Election Committee (PPK), Voting Committee (PPS) and Voting Committee Group (KPPS) will also be re-recruited.

If added up, the number of PPK, PPS and KPPS in 215 villages and 5 sub-districts in North Bengkulu is more than 600 people.

Moreover, the schedule also contains a schedule related to the recruitment of ad hoc officers under Bawaslu.

These include Subdistrict, Village Supervisory Committees up to the polling place (TPS) level.

In the stages it is mentioned that the PPK, PPS and PTPS recruitment schedule is from April 17 to November 5.

Chairman of the North Bengkulu KPU, Santoso, SP, explained that if you look at the PKPU schedule, the stages of the regional elections and the stages of the presidential and legislative elections that are currently underway will overlap.

Moreover, if the presidential election lasts two rounds, the second round of voting will be held next June.

"So there are indeed stages that will intersect, these two elections will enter their respective stages," said Santoso.

Regarding the re-recruitment information, he admitted that this was included in the schedule according to the PKPU Pilkada.

However, whether the schedule referred to is the re-recruitment of all edhoc organizers, he is still waiting for technical instructions for implementing the PKPU.

"We cannot confirm this yet, because we are still waiting for the technical guidelines regarding the implementation of PKPU 02/2024," he explained.

However, he confirmed that currently the PKPU is the KPU's benchmark in implementing the Pilkada stages.

Including stages related to the registration and determination of prospective Regent and Deputy Regent candidates who will compete in the North Bengkulu Regional Election.

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