Potensi Rekrut Ulang 600 Lebih PPK, PPS dan KPPS, Begini Penjelasannya

REKRUT: Potensi rekrut ulang PPK, PPS dan KPPS di 215 desa dan 5 kelurahan di Bengkulu Utara lebih dari 600 orang. DOK/RB--

"The candidacy registration stage will take place in August 2024 this year," concluded Santoso.

Meanwhile, North Bengkulu Bawaslu Chairman Tri Suyanto, SE also explained that they were still waiting for the Bawaslu Regulations to implement this stage.

Moreover, this is related to the recruitment of Ad Hoc institutions ranging from Panwascam to supervisors at the Polling Place (TPS) level.

"We are still waiting for clear regulations regarding this matter, so we cannot be sure yet," concluded Tri.

Just so you know, North Bengkulu has 19 sub-districts and each sub-district requires 3 Panwascam and 5 PPK.

Not to mention that in each village a village supervisor and three PPS will be formed.

In addition, each village will form a KPPS according to the number of TPS in the village plus one TPS Supervisor at each TPS in North Bengkulu.


Grafis Tahapan Penyelenggaraan Pilkada Sesuai PKPU Nomor 2 Tahun 2024: 

1. Perencanaan Program dan Anggaran    26 Januari 2024

2. Pembentukan PPK, PPS dan KPPS 17 April – 5 November

3. Pembentukan Panwascam, PPL hingga PTPS (Jadwal Ditentukan Bawaslu)

4. Penyerahan Draf Potensial Pemilih 24 April – 31 Mei

5. Pemutakhiran dan Penyusunan Daftar Pemilih 31 Mei – 23 September

6. Pemenuhan Persyaratan Dukungan 5 Mei – 19 Agustus 2024

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