Aksi Orang Tidak Dikenal Rampas Hp hingga Todong Karyawan Indomaret Terekam CCTV, Begini Kronologisnya
CURAS: Karyawan Indomaret di Jalan Ciliwung, Kelurahan Padang Harapan, Gading Cempaka, Bela Angelina (23) jadi korban dugaan tindak pidana pencurian dengan kekerasan (Curas). FIKI/RB --
Sehingga, saat keluar toko korban tidak begitu curiga dengan dua orang tersebut. Karena dipikir hanya ingin bertenduh.
Namun, saat korban menaiki motor, ternyata kedua pelaku langsung mencegat motor korban dan merampas Hp korban sembari menodongkan senjata tajam.
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“Bela terkejut, apalagi dia perempuan melihat senjata tajam. Jadi setelah merampas Hp. Pelaku langsung kabur,” terangnya.
Atas kejadian tersebut, Korban langsung membuat laporan ke Polsek setempat. “Saat ini Bela belum masuk. Karena masih trauma,” tutupnya.
Indomaret employee on Jalan Ciliwung, Padang Harapan Subdistrict, Gading Cempaka, Bela Angelina (23) became the victim of an alleged crime of theft with violence (Curas).
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The incident happened right in front of the shop where he worked. At that time, Bela had just finished work and was about to close the shop door before going home.
After closing the shop, Bela immediately got on a motorbike, that's when two Unknown Persons (OTD) stole her cell phone while pointing a sharp weapon at her.
The OTD action was caught on the shop's CCTV camera. Even though the faces of the two perpetrators were not very clear from CCTV, the motorbike they were using was clearly visible.
Bela's co-worker, Marta, when met by RB, Wednesday (31/1) at Indomaret, which was the crime scene (TKP) in this case, told about the incident.
It was said that Marta, based on shop CCTV footage, the two perpetrators used a Yamaha Vixion motorbike, estimated to be from 2015.
"The motorbike is visible. His face is not very visible. What is clear from the CCTV footage is that neither of them was wearing a helmet." explained Martha.