Trayek Tol Laut Bengkulu-Tanjung Priok Diaktifkan, Ini Kelebihannya

TOL: Trayek Tol Laut Bengkulu-Tanjung Priok segera diaktifkan. Diyakini penggunaan jalur Tol Laut ini bisa hemat hingga 30 persen dibanding menggunakan jalur darat. Humas Pemprov Bengkulu/RB--

For this reason, he expressed his appreciation to the Bengkulu Provincial Government for activating the Bengkulu - Tanjung Priok Sea Toll Road.

"We are very grateful, especially to the Governor, who is very enthusiastic about bringing the Bengkulu Sea Toll Road to life.

"So with this facility, Bengkulu commodities in the future can have higher prices," he said in short.

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