Dokumen 1. 560 Calon PPPK Bengkulu Utara Siap Kirim, Tinggal Tunggu NIPPPK

NIPPPK: Pemerintah Bengkulu Utara sudah menuntaskan verifikasi persyaratan pengajuan Nomor Induk Pegawai Pemerintah Dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK). Tri Shandy Ramadani/RB--

This is related to whether the documents sent are in accordance with the specified requirements, whether further clarification is needed.

"After that, we just have to wait for the NIPPPK to be issued from BKN for each participant," he explained.

The Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency will issue a Decree on Appointment and Inauguration if the PPPK Identification Number has been received from the State Personnel Agency.

He confirmed that if the North Bengkulu government received the PPPK Identification Number, the process of making the decision letter would not take long.

"After we issue the decree, an inauguration will take place and then each PPPK who is inaugurated must start carrying out their duties in accordance with the starting date of the decree," concluded Syarifah.


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