Dewas BPJS Datangi RSUD M. Yunus Pastikan Realisasi JKN, Ini Hasilnya

Rabu 31 Jan 2024 - 23:05 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

"Jadi, kami begitu menyambut baik Dewas yang sudah datang ke RSUD dr. M. Yunus ini," katanya.

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Lebih lanjut Widyawati menyampaikan, berkat BPJS kesehatan juga, pihaknya selaku fasilitas layanan kesehatan bisa memberikan layanan sebagaimana janji kesehatan. 

"Sehingga pelayanan kesehatan secara keseluruhan untuk masyarakat Provinsi Bengkulu ini, dapat berjalan sebagaimana yang telah diharapkan," pungkasnya. 


The Supervisory Board (Dewas) of the Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) visited the M. Yunus Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

BPJS Dewas visited M. Yunus Regional Hospital on Wednesday 31 January 2024 to carry out direct monitoring.

Monitoring carried out by the BPJS Council at M. Yunus Regional Hospital to ensure that the BPJS Health program is running well, especially in Bengkulu Province.

Member of the Central Health BPJS Council, dr. Ibnu Naser Arrohimi, S.Ag, MMR, said that on this occasion his party wanted to see and confirm how the cooperation and collaboration between BPJS Health of Bengkulu Province and health service facilities was.

The monitoring carried out by the BPJS Council at M. Yunus Regional Hospital is mainly related to the realization of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program.

"In implementing the JKN program, has it taken place according to what was agreed or what was collaborated by both parties, or what was the journey like," said Ibnu, explaining that one of the goals of the Central Health BPJS Council came to RSUD dr. M. Yunus.

Moreover, continued Ibnu, now there is a service promise scheme. Where both BPJS and health facilities must be able to understand the principles of the service promise.

This starts from not being discriminatory or discriminating in service to patients and the availability of medicines.

"This also includes no more costs that are not in accordance with the mechanism or what is permitted," he said.

Apart from that, added Ibnu, it is also related to the transformation of service quality in health service facilities such as hospitals.

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