Ini 6 Aplikasi yang Disiapkan Pemkab Rejang Lebong untuk OPD

Sabtu 03 Feb 2024 - 00:12 WIB
Reporter : Arie Saputra Wijaya
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Harapannya, pengembangan enam aplikasi ini dapat berjalan sesuai harapan," jelas Yusran.

Pada bulan November 2023 lalu, Pemkab Rejang Lebong juga telah meluncurkan dua aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh putra-putri daerah setempat.

Aplikasi tersebut ditujukan untuk pengelolaan keuangan dan evaluasi pemerintah daerah.

BACA JUGA:Diresmikan, Setia Negara City Park Terbuka Untuk Masyarakat

BACA JUGA:Soal Dugaan Guru SD Menghina Murid, Ini Klarifikasi dari Dinas Dikbud Rejang Lebong

Dua aplikasi yang telah diluncurkan tersebut adalah Aplikasi Sistem Konsultasi Administrasi Teknis (SIKAT) untuk pengelolaan keuangan dan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi, Akuntabilitas, Pelaporan, dan Evaluasi Pemerintah Daerah (Si-Alep)

The Rejang Lebong Regency Communication and Information Service is actively developing 6 applications for Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in the area.

The application developed aims to improve the ability of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in providing services to the community through an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE).

According to the Head of the Rejang Lebong Regency Communication and Information Service (Kominfo), Dodi Syahdani, S.Sos M.Si

The six application development projects that we are currently running are estimated to cost around IDR 1 billion.

Currently, the project is still in the preparation stage.

The 6 applications that will be developed are the Service Support Application at the Communications and Information Service, the Sapa Apip Inspectorate Application, and the Infrastructure Monitoring and Evaluation Application at the PUPR Service.

Then the Online Tax and Retribution Application at the Capil Service, as well as the Tourism Guide Application at the Tourism Office.

"With this application, it is hoped that it will be able to help the six OPDs in carrying out their duties," said Dodi.

On the other hand, the Regional Secretary of Rejang Lebong Regency, Yusran Fauzi, ST expressed his hope that the development of the OPD application by the Rejang Lebong Regency Communication and Information Service could be successful,

So that this application can be used effectively in an effort to improve services to the community.

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