Unihaz Kukuhkan Yulfiperius Sebagai Guru Besar Pertama Yayasan di Bengkulu

Guru Besar Pertama: Pengukuhan Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si, sebagai Guru Besar Yayasan pertama di Bengkulu, Kamis 1 Februari 2024. BELA/RB--

"We hope this will not be the last, of course Unihaz will produce other professors," he said.

After this inauguration, the Professor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si, has obtained a simple patent. Which of course really helps the people of Bengkulu Province.

Especially regarding the study regarding tie feed, which will certainly be useful for fish farmers.

"The extensive research they have carried out can not only be used by the people in Bengkulu Province but also by people throughout Indonesia," he said.

So far, the results of this research have been widely taken and used as a reference by fish farmers in Bengkulu Province. "

"This means that we have collaborated and coordinated with fish farmers, so that we can make the most of this," said Khairil.

Meanwhile, Professor Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si, who currently also serves as Chancellor of Unihaz, said that the inauguration of Professors at Unihaz was the second inauguration.

However, the previous great teacher had already passed away.

"This is the second professor at Unihaz, but the first one has passed away.

"But for foundation staff throughout Bengkulu Province, we are the first," he said.

Research on the fish feed, he has been accelerating since 2016.

However, due to Covid and various obstacles, in 2023 we will receive a patent certificate from Higher Education (Dikti).

"My colleagues always urge me to be a foundation person, so that those who become professors are not just civil servants. But they can also be professors," he said.

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