Unihaz Kukuhkan Yulfiperius Sebagai Guru Besar Pertama Yayasan di Bengkulu

Guru Besar Pertama: Pengukuhan Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si, sebagai Guru Besar Yayasan pertama di Bengkulu, Kamis 1 Februari 2024. BELA/RB--

Riset mengenai pakan ikan tersebut, sudah ia lajukan sejak 2016.

Namun karena terkendala covid dan segala macam, sehingga tahun 2023 barulah mendaoatkan sertifikat paten dari Pendidikan Tinggi (Dikti).

"Buat rekan-rekan saya selalu menghimbau saya orang yayasan, jadi yang menjadi Guru Besar ini bukan hanya PNS. Tetapi juga bis abagi guru besar," katanya. 


Prof. University Dr. Hazairin, SH (Unihaz), Thursday 1 February confirmed Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si, as Professor.

This inauguration is the inauguration of the first Foundation Professor in Bengkulu at this time.

Unihaz Senate Open Meeting for the Scientific Oration and Inauguration of Professor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si,

Professor in the Field of Fisheries Culture, Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, this was held at the Multi-Purpose Building (GSG) Unihaz Bengkulu.

Assistant I to the Regional Secretariat of Bengkulu Province, Drs. Khairil Anwar, M.Si representing the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov), attended the inauguration of Professor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Yulfiperius, M.Si expressed his appreciation.

According to him, the inauguration of a Professor is a historical event for Unihaz.

Especially for the Semarak Bengkulu Foundation which was created by the Bengkulu Provincial Government.

"On behalf of the Bengkulu Provincial Government and the people of Bengkulu Province,

'"Because we know historically, Unihaz, especially the Semarak Bengkulu Foundation, was born by the Bengkulu Provincial Government," said Khairil, Thursday 1 February 2024.

According to him, the inauguration of professors is also a source of pride for the Bengkulu Provincial Government

Because in the long process, Unihaz has presented one professor. He hopes that this will not be the last inauguration at Unihaz.

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