Pelunasan Bipih Bengkulu Lampaui Target, Ini Jumlah yang Melakukan Pelunasan
BIPIH: elunasan biaya perjalanan ibadah haji (Bipih) tinggal 7 hari lagi. Antusiasme masyarakat Bengkulu pada pemberangkatan haji 2024, cukup tinggi bahkan sudah mencapai 100,06 persen. BELA/RB--
Bahkan, hal tersebut juga sudah dibahas dalam rapat yang para ketua Tim Anggaran dan Pendapatan daerah (TAPD) dan Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) kabupaten/kota.
"Dalam rapat terakhir dengan para ketua TAPD dan Sekda kabupaten/kota, kami meminta mereka bersiap diri kalau seandainya ada kuota tambahan yang ternyata tidak bisa diakomodir oleh APBD provinsi," ujarnya.
Jika terjadi kuota tambahan, Syarifuddin menegaskan bahwa penambahan pesawat Embarkasi Antara akan menjadi solusi.
Namun, hal ini akan dibebankan kepada Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) kabupaten/kota jika tidak dapat diakomodir oleh provinsi.
"Kita berharap tidak terjadi seperti tahun lalu. Saat itu, para jamaah harus membayar Rp6 juta sampai dengan Rp 7 juta, tergantung kondisi pesawat.
Saat ini, alhamdulillah semuanya sudah diakomodir dalam APBD kabupaten/kota, dan ini digunakan setelah ada kepastian penambahan kuota," demikian Syarif.
Payment for the Hajj (Bipih) trip is only 7 days away. The enthusiasm of the people of Bengkulu for the 2024 Hajj departure is quite high and has even reached 100.06 percent.
Of the 1,702 Bengkulu Hajj quotas, 1,703 people have already paid their fees. Until now, repayment is still ongoing. It is possible that, for the next 7 days, the repayment data will continue to move.
Head of the Regular Hajj Registration and Document Team for the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Bengkulu Province, H. Allazi, SE, said that if you look at each district/city, North Bengkulu has the highest level of enthusiasm. With more prospective Hajj Pilgrims (CJH) up to 19 people.
"So, from the 1,702 CJH normal quota, we are also preparing a reserve quota. The system and procedures are the same as normal CJH. So, if later the normal one will not go. Then the reserve will increase. So, later the order will be in accordance with "waiting list for the Bengkulu hajj," explained Allazi, Thursday 15 February 2024.
Meanwhile, Allazi confirmed to CJH that both normal and reserve payments could still be made. In fact, until February 23rd.
"So, there is still time. Those who want to pay it off, go ahead," he concluded.
Meanwhile, the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) has prepared funds of IDR 20 billion for the cost of leaving for the Hajj 1445 Hijriah or 2024 AD.
Around IDR 15 billion has been prepared for the plane that will take the Hajj pilgrims from embarkation between Bengkulu to Padang embarkation. While the rest is for other transportation.
Head of the Government and People's Welfare Bureau (Pamkesra) of Bengkulu Province, Dr. H. Syarifuddin, M.Si, said that procuring buses that will transport the congregation will also be a priority.