PKL: Lebih Untung Jualan di Badan Jalan
PKL: Aktivitas PKL berjualan di badan jalan kembali marak lantaran alasan keuntungan. Pasalnya, PKL lebih mudah bertemu pembeli ketika berjualan di badan jalan. JER/RB--
Sementara, Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Kota Bengkulu menanggapi aktivitas PKL yang berjualan di badan jalan, akan menindak lanjuti hal tersebut.
Kepala Dishub Kota Bengkulu, Hendri Kurniawan mengatakan tindak lanjut terhadap aktivitas berjualan PKL di badan jalan, akan melakukan penertiban bersama Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian (Disperindag) Kota Bengkulu.
“Kita akan melakukan penertiban bersama Disperindag dan Satpol PP,” singkat Hendri.
Sekadar mengingatkan, Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja (Satpol-PP) sudah memberikan imbauan berisi larangan berjulan di pinggiran jalan. Bahkan sudah melakukan penertiban tepatnya pada 18 Febuari 2023 lalu.
Street vendors (PKL) around the Panorama Traditional Market have again opened their stalls on the road.
These street vendors are scattered again on Jalan Belimbing, Jalan Kedondong to Jalan Semangka Raya.
Street vendors' activities selling on roads are booming again for reasons of profit. The reason is, it is easier for street vendors to meet buyers when selling on the road.
One of the street vendors, Irana (34), a chicken trader, revealed that there are many factors that make them (PKL, ed) sell on the side of the road. One of them makes it easier for buyers to shop, unlike at kiosks in the market.
"Yes, the income from selling on the side of the road and at a kiosk is different," said Irana, when interviewed by RB, Thursday 15 February 2024.
It's not just chicken traders who say this reason. Vegetable trader Iin (40) also said that, if traders sell in markets or stalls, they have to rent.
According to II, the rent for stalls is too expensive, so it is not commensurate with the profits obtained.
"If you sell on the side of the road, you only pay for cleaning," said Iin.
Meanwhile, the Bengkulu City Transportation Department (Dishub) responded to the activities of street vendors selling on the road and will follow up on this.
Head of the Bengkulu City Transportation Agency, Hendri Kurniawan, said that the follow-up to street vendors' selling activities on the road would be to carry out control with the Bengkulu City Trade and Industry Service (Disperindag).
"We will carry out control together with Disperindag and Satpol PP," said Hendri briefly.