Kemenparekraf Siapkan Tourism Fund, Nilainya Mencapai Rp2 Triliun

Sabtu 10 Feb 2024 - 23:14 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Sandiaga menyatakan, sudah lebih dari 190 investor telah melakukan pre-order pendanaan pada Bobocabin Dieng, Wonosobo. Dengan total 23 ribu lembar saham atau setara Rp1 miliar. 

’’Ini adalah securities crowdfunding pertama untuk fasilitas pariwisata yang diinovasikan dan direpresentasikan oleh Bizhare dan Bobocabin.

Kami harap semakin banyak terobosan investasi ke depan di sektor pariwisata,” bebernya.

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Sementara itu, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) memiliki 26 desa binaan di Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara Timur, dan Nusa Tenggara Barat.

Sebanyak 12 desa di antaranya merupakan binaan kolaborasi BCA dengan Kemenparekraf untuk pengembangan keterampilan dan peningkatan ekonomi. 

 ’’Kami menyadari sektor pariwisata merupakan pilar penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi

yang dapat mendorong pembangunan daerah dan memperluas lapangan pekerjaan,’’ kata EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility BCA Hera F. Haryn.

Menurut dia, pengoptimalan infrastruktur dan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dapat menjadi kunci untuk mewujudkannya.

Terutama dalam memanfaatkan potensi wisata berbasis komunitas di Desa Bakti BCA. Sebagaimana di Desa Wisata Bilebante, Lombok Tengah, NTB. 

’’Dampak langsung dari pendampingan yang kami berikan adalah menjamin pengelolaan desa wisata yang mampu berdaya saing dan sustain,’’ ujarnya.

JAKARTA – The potential of the tourism sector continues to be boosted. Especially villages and regional tourist attractions. The aim is to create added value and economic benefits for the surrounding community.

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekaf) is preparing to establish a special tourism fund, aka tourism fund.

The value can reach IDR 2 trillion every year. This program will be a new catalyst in presenting other cultural and eco-tourism events.

The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, confirmed that he will curate every tourism event.

In this way, the activities presented can have an impact on community welfare and create job opportunities.

“I have just reported the Indonesia Tourism Fund to the President. (Currently) this is still in the finalization process and we hope to get an acceleration of the allocation," he said yesterday (8/2).

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is also collaborating with Bizhare to facilitate access to funding for Bobocabin in Dieng Village, Wonosobo, Central Java.

The value reached IDR 6.5 billion through the securities crowdfunding mechanism, aka crowdfunding. The funding model originates from the active participation of the community to become investors.

Sandiaga stated that more than 190 investors had pre-ordered funding at Bobocabin Dieng, Wonosobo. With a total of 23 thousand shares or the equivalent of IDR 1 billion.

“This is the first securities crowdfunding for tourism facilities innovated and represented by Bizhare and Bobocabin. "We hope that there will be more investment breakthroughs in the future in the tourism sector," he explained.

Meanwhile, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) has 26 assisted villages in Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara.

A total of 12 villages are supported by collaboration between BCA and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy for skills development and economic improvement.

 "We realize that the tourism sector is an important pillar in economic development that can encourage regional development and expand job opportunities," said EVP Corporate Communication and Social Responsibility BCA Hera F. Haryn.

According to him, optimizing infrastructure and human resources (HR) can be the key to making this happen. Especially in utilizing the potential of community-based tourism in Bakti BCA Village. As in Bilebante Tourism Village, Central Lombok, NTB.

"The direct impact of the assistance we provide is to ensure the management of tourist villages that are competitive and sustainable," he said.

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