ESDM Tetapkan Pemenang Lelang Sembilan Blok Tambang, Ini Daftarnya

Sabtu 17 Feb 2024 - 22:57 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Untuk lelang gelombang II, terdapat Blok Mulya Agung, Ulu Rawas, Bayung Lencir, Lingga Bayu, Merapi Barat, Tumbang Nusa, Pasiang, Pumlanga, Foli, Lililef Sawai, serta Natai Baru.

’’Sementara, lelang blok dengan luas wilayah di bawah 500 hektare seperti WIUP Blok Merapi Barat di Sumatera Selatan diprioritaskan untuk perusahaan daerah setempat dengan kriteria usaha mikro dan usaha kecil,’’ tutur Agus. 

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif has determined the auction winner for nine blocks of mining business permit areas (WIUP) for metal minerals and coal.

Head of the KLIK Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agus Cahyono Adi, explained that the appointment was the result of the re-auction of WIUP for metal minerals and coal in wave I 2023 and the auction of WIUP for metal minerals and coal in wave II 2023.

Agus said that the WIUP auction was attended by a total of 130 participants who submitted the required documents for 19 WIUP blocks.

“As a result, for nine blocks the auction winner has been appointed. "The auction for 10 WIUP blocks was declared failed due to several problems, such as there being no or only one participant who passed the prequalification stage and/or other problems," explained Agus in Jakarta yesterday (16/2).

He detailed that the nine mining blocks include the Brang Rea Block (gold) won by PT Tambang Sukses Sakti, Semidang Lagan (coal) by PT Kharisma Raflesia Utama, Nibung (coal) won by PT Mustika Energi Lestari, Marimoi I ( nickel) by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM), and Gunung Botak (gold) by PT Merdeka Tambang Jaya.

Next, the Kaf Block (nickel) won by PT Mineral Jaya Molagina, West Merapi (coal) by PT Merapi Energy Coal, Foli (nickel) won by PT Wasile Jaya Lestari, and Lililef Sawai (nickel) by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) .

In the first wave of re-auction, there were eight WIUPs. Namely, Block Lolayan, Marimoi I, Gunung Botak, Semidang Lagan, Brang Rea, Taludaa, Nibung, and Kaf.

For the second wave of auctions, there are the Mulya Agung, Ulu Rawas, Bayung Lencir, Lingga Bayu, West Merapi, Tumbang Nusa, Pasiang, Pumlanga, Foli, Lililef Sawai, and Natai Baru blocks.

"Meanwhile, auctions for blocks with an area under 500 hectares, such as the West Merapi Block WIUP in South Sumatra, are prioritized for local regional companies with the criteria of micro and small businesses," said Agus.

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