Akhirnya Perbup Selesai, Pengajuan DD di Kaur Segera Dilakukan

SELESAI: Peraturan Bupati (Perbup) terkait dengan pencairan Dana Desa (DD) 2024 ini, resmi dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Kaur. RUSMAN/RB--

"DD paling besar masing di pegang oleh Desa Sumber Harapan," terangnya.

Dengan meningkatkannya anggaran DD ini diharapkan dapat dimaksimalkan oleh masing-masing desa.

Untuk pembangunan, dan kegiatan di tahun 2024 ini.

"Semoga DD dapat dimaksimalkan sesuai dengan peruntukan, sehingga desa di Kabupaten Kaur akan lebih maju," tukasnya.

The Regent's Regulation (Perbup) regarding the disbursement of the 2024 Village Fund (DD), was officially issued by the Kaur Regency Government (Pemkab).

The Regional Regulation regarding the disbursement of 2024 Village Funds was completed and officially issued on Monday 31 January 2024, after going through several long stages.

This was conveyed directly by the Head of the Village Government Development Division (Kabid) of the Community and Village Empowerment Service (PMD) Kaur Sislan S.Sos Regency.

"Today's district regulation (yesterday, ed.), was completed, thank God, after going through several quite long stages," said Sislan.

He said that the next stage after the 2024 Village Fund Disbursement Regulation was officially issued by the Kaur Regency Government, what the PMD Service would carry out was to hold socialization.

Because, there are several differences compared to the Regency Regulation regarding the disbursement of Village Funds in 2023.

One of them is that DD disbursement will only be carried out in two stages.

"Next, there will be socialization regarding the Regency Regulation. After that, each village will be able to submit an application," said Sislan.

Regarding when the socialization will be carried out, Sislan said it will be carried out as soon as possible.

Each village will be sent a letter to participate in socialization regarding the Regency Regulation which regulates the regulations for DD disbursement in 2024.

"As soon as possible, socialization will be carried out, so that villages can also apply for DD as soon as possible. So that activities in the village can start immediately," he said.

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