Akhirnya Perbup Selesai, Pengajuan DD di Kaur Segera Dilakukan

SELESAI: Peraturan Bupati (Perbup) terkait dengan pencairan Dana Desa (DD) 2024 ini, resmi dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Kaur. RUSMAN/RB--

Separately, Sislan explained that Kaur Regency's DD for 2024 has increased.

The reason is that in 2023 the budget ceiling for DD was only IDR 138 billion, the budget increased to IDR 146 billion, or up to IDR 8 billion.

The village funds themselves will be divided among 191 villages in Kaur Regency.

"There are several villages that received additional DD, because the ministry assessed that their budget absorption in 2023 was more optimal," explained Sislan.

He conveyed that for 2024, Sumber Harapan Village, Nasal District, will receive the highest DD of IDR 1,045,355,000

Meanwhile, the smallest DD is Pagar Dewa Village, Permanent District, which is only IDR 575,582,000.

Meanwhile, other villages only received around IDR 600 million to IDR 900 million.

The distribution of DD allocations is adjusted to the categories determined by the central government.

Using a special formula, the percentage distribution per village is obtained.

Among the factors that are considered, population size, number of poor people, area size and geographic difficulty index (IKG).

"The largest DDs are each held by Sumber Harapan Village," he explained.

By increasing the DD budget, it is hoped that each village can maximize it.

For development and activities in 2024.

"Hopefully DD can be maximized according to its intended purpose, so that villages in Kaur Regency will be more advanced," he said.

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