Tidak Sampai 24 Jam, Tersangka Penikaman Pelajar Diringkus Polisi, Ini Kronologisnya

Minggu 11 Feb 2024 - 22:04 WIB
Reporter : Fiki Susadi
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Selanjutnya Tim Opsnal Macan Cempaka bergerak mencari pelaku serta pulbaket saksi-saksi dan terkait CCTV diseputaran TKP,” sampai Kadek.

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Kemudian, pada Minggu pahi sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB. Tim Opsnal Macan Cempaka berkoordinasi dengan saksi untuk medapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.

Alhasil, sekitar pukul 11.00 WIB, Tim Opsnal Macan Cempaka mendapatkan informasi bahwa terduga pelaku berada di salah satu rumah di Kelurahan Sumur Dewa.

“Minggu, 11 Februari 2024 sekira pukul 12.30 WIB, tidak sampai 24 jam, tim yang sudah berada di Kelurahan Sumur Dewa, langsung mengamankan terduga pelaku beserta barang bukti,” ungkap Kadek.

DS yang berhasil diamankan kemudian digelandang ke Mapolsek Gading Cempaka beserta barang bukti yang didapatkan polisi.

Atas perbuatannya, DS dijerat Pasal 80 Ayat 2 UU No.35 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perlindungan Anak.


Not even 24 hours after receiving the report of the alleged criminal act of abuse.

The Macan Cempaka Opsnal Team from the Gading Cempaka Police arrested the suspect with the initials DS (18), a resident of Jalan Cendrawasih, Kebun Geran Village, Ratu Samban District.

DS was successfully arrested at around 12.30 WIB afternoon on Sunday, February 11 at a house in Sumur Dewa Village.

Bengkulu Police Chief, Police Commissioner. Deddy Nata, SIK, through Gading Cempaka Police Chief, Suwantor Village Police Commissioner confirmed that DS had been arrested.

Kadek explained that DS was suspected of committing a criminal act of abuse by stabbing the student victim with the initials DT (15), a resident of Sidumulyo Village.

"It happened Sunday, February 11 2024 at 02.00 WIB, TKP (Crime Incident Place, ed) on Jalan Al-Mukarramah 6, Dusun Besar Village, Singaran Pati District," said Kadek.

Kadek explained that the stabbing incident started when DS touched the victim near the wedding party, then the victim reprimanded DS, feeling unhappy that DS immediately invited the victim to fight.

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