Tingkat Kerusakan Hutan Bengkulu Capai 13 Persen, jadi Pemicu Banjir, Begini Penjelasannya

HUTAN: Tingkat kerusakan hutan di Provinsi Bengkulu cukup luas. Bahkan, secara keseluruhan hampir terjadi kerusakan hingga 13 persen. Hal tersebut diakui oleh Gubernur Bengkulu, Prof. Dr. H. Rohidin Mersyah, M.MA. BELA/RB--

This means around 45.50 percent of the area of ​​Bengkulu Province, which covers an area of ​​around 1.9 million.

"This area is divided into several other types of forest. Starting from conservation forests, production forests, customary forests, and others," he said.

Among these types of forests, the largest are in conservation areas.

So it can be concluded that 45 percent of Bengkulu Province is forest area.

With the largest number of forests, conservation forest areas are added to protected forests.

This is a type of forest area that is sensitive to disturbances in it.

"Overall, forest areas that are easily accessible to the public are like the Pantai Panjang TWA area.

The level of dredging is higher because it is easier to access. This is what is happening now," he concluded.

Previously, the Director of the Indonesian Conservation Community (KKI) Warsi, Adi Junedi explained,

The area of ​​forest cover in Bengkulu Province continues to decrease, so that ecological disasters become a threat.

"Given this fact, it is important for Bengkulu Province to increase awareness, amidst the continued reduction in forest cover," explained Adi.

Adi further said, based on analysis of sentinel satellite imagery from the KKI Warsi Geographic Information System (GIS) Team

Combined with observations from Google Earth, Spot 6 imagery and SAS Planet, Bengkulu's forest cover is only 645,116 hectares (Ha) or 32 percent of the area of ​​Bengkulu.

"Compared to 2022, forest cover in Bengkulu is currently reduced by 8,306 Ha," he added.

From the analysis, it is also known that 142,466 Ha in Bengkulu is open land. Apart from forest areas, open areas are also monitored in various other land uses.

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