Untuk TPS kurang rawan akan ditempat dua personil di 5 TPS, kemudian TPS rawan dua personil di 1 TPS, sementara untu TPS rawan akan ditempatkan satu personil di 1 TPS.
"TPS sangat rawan di Kabupaten Kaur ini ada tiga lokasi. Yakni dua TPS di Tanjung Kemuning dan satu TPS di Kecamatan Tetap," sampai Kapolres.
Dia menambahkan, pengecekan lokasi TPS terpencil, blankspot dan berbahaya sudah dilakukan beberapa waktu yang lalu
Bertujuan untuk membuat perencanaan pengamanan pendistribusian dan juga pelaksanaan Pemilu nantinya.
"Kita komitmen, akan mengawal pelaksanaan Pemilu ini sampai dengan selesai dan berjalan dengan lancar," tukasnya.
The General Election Commission (KPU) Kaur noted that there were as many as 30 blank spot polling stations (TPS) in remote areas.
Located in a remote area, the 30 blank spot TPS are certainly one of the obstacles ahead of the General Election (Pemilu) on 14 February.
Logistics distribution to the recapitulation of vote counting will later be hampered at 30 blank spot polling stations.
In fact, at 30 blank spot polling stations it will be more difficult to get the vote count results because of signal problems.
Bearing in mind that the KPU itself will implement a Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) in carrying out future elections.
"Apart from being difficult to include logistics, in some of these locations it will of course be difficult to know the vote count," said KPU Chair Kaur Muklis Aryanto.
For the solution to the 30 blank spot TPS, KPU Kaur will instruct officers at the location
In order to document the calculation results using a cellphone first.
Then the cellphone will be taken to a location that has an internet connection to send the vote counting results.
"We will order the officers there to continue to quickly send the calculation results. So that they can be uploaded quickly to the Sirekap application," said Muklis.