Satwa Langka! Tiga Ekor Betet Ekor Panjang Gagal Diselundupkan dari Pulau Enggano, Begini Kronologisnya

BETET: Tiga ekor Betet Ekor Panjang atau Psittacula longicauda enganensis berasal dari Pulau Enggano diduga hendak diselundupkan salah satu penumpang kapal diamankan. Dok Humas BHKIT Bengkulu/RB--

Three long-tailed parrots were seized by the Bengkulu Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine Center (BHKIT) from KMP passengers. Pullo Telo, who comes from Meok Village, Enggano District, while anchored at the ASDP pier at Baai Island Harbor, Bengkulu.

"Yes, three parrots, which are considered endangered species, were secured through KMP arrival monitoring activities. Pulo Tello," said the Head of the Gakkum work team, Riomaldhani, Wednesday 31 January 2024.

He explained that illegally capturing and trading specimens of wild plants and animals (TSL) often occurs.

Not infrequently, BHKIT Bengkulu thwarts the smuggling of endangered species without legality.

He explained that the three parrots were not equipped with an Animal Health Certificate (KH-11) from their area of ​​origin in

Accordance with Law no. 21 of 2019 and is a rare wild animal and is protected in accordance with Law No. 5 of 1990 and Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 106/2018 concerning Protected Wild Plants and Animals.

"The parrot was packed in two cardboard boxes and taken directly as a carry-on item," he explained.

He continued, after the animal was secured from the owner, the TSL was physically examined by the Quarantine Veterinarian (DHK) on duty.

The green parrot has been handed over to the Gakkum BKHIT Bengkulu team.

"From the owner's statement, he admitted that someone had entrusted him to take the TSL to Bengkulu City and it would be sent to Ipuh District, North Bengkulu," he concluded.

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