Uji Kompetensi 41 Pejabat Pimpinan Tinggi Memasuki Tahap Perangkingan

Jumat 02 Feb 2024 - 23:37 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

Ia menambahkan, sesuai dengan Undang-undang Reformasi dan Birokras, para PPT ini bisa ditempatkan sesuai dengan tempat, kemampuan, dan fungsinya.

Dengan begitu, jangan sampai menempatkannya  karena kepentingan politik atau kekerabatan.

"Boleh keluarga, boleh tim, asal kompeten. Yang tidka boleh, dia tim, dia keluarga tetapi tidak kompeten.

Catatannya, jangan sampai Ujikom ini sebagai alat menakut-nakuti menjelang pemilu," demikian Dempo.

There are 8 criteria that become assessment points when carrying out the Competency Test.

These 8 criteria are important points in the Competency Test of 41 Primary High Leadership Officials (PPT) within the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov).

41 High Leadership Officials (PPT) have taken the Competency Test from Tuesday 30 January - Thursday 1 February 2024, at the Mercure Hotel Bengkulu.

The assessment results from each PTP have been pocketed.

And currently it is still in the ranking stage, before being handed over to the Governor of Bengkulu, Prof. Dr. H Rohidin Mersyah, M.MA, as Commitment Making Officer (PPK).

"The results of the Ujikom (Competency Test, ed.) are still in the ranking stage of the scores obtained," explained the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bengkulu Province, Isnan Fajri, S.Sos, M.Kes, when confirmed by RB Friday, (2/1) .

Isnan said, there are 8 criteria that become assessment points during the implementation of the Competency Test.

Starting from leadership, communication, how to make decisions, how to update policies, and implementing innovation.

"There are eight items that we are assessing. Our job is to carry out a competency test, after which we will submit it to the governor through the Head of BKD," he added.

The Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) of Bengkulu Province, Gunawan Suryadi, S.Sos, M.AP, added that the Competency Test involved five examiners

Directly led by the Regional Secretary of Bengkulu Province, Isnan Fajri, accompanied by four other members of the selection committee.

Includes, Prof. Rohimin, Academician at UIN Fatmawati Bengkulu, Prof. Herawan Sauni and Dr. Drs.

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