Hujan Deras Drainase Meluap, Dempo: Tak Kunjung Teratasi

BANJIR: Akibat hujan deras yang melanda Kota Bengkulu kemarin, Jumat 2 Februari 2024, puluhan rumah warga di beberapa kelurahan terendam banjir. DOK/RB--

"The rain was quite heavy and long, so the water overflowed and my house was flooded, at least in the area of ​​our house there were two house units that were flooded, with a height of around 30 cm," said Nurhaiyus.

Nurhaiyus added that the Rawa Makmur sub-district area is often prone to flooding every time heavy rain arrives.

So local residents are used to facing floods, and have prepared anticipatory steps by securing valuables on higher ground.

"It's common for flooding, this is a regular occurrence if the weather conditions are rainy, we have also anticipated this by securing valuable items," he concluded.

From RB monitoring, several other areas also experienced flooding. One of them is in Lempuing Village and Laskita Housing in Bentiring Village.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Bengkulu Provincial DPRD Commission, Dempo

"This has not been resolved, this is a problem that the government has not resolved," said Dempo.

According to Dempo, flooding in Bengkulu City has become a major concern for residents and the government. Factors such as high rainfall and lack of flood control infrastructure are claimed to be the main causes of this problem.

"The government is not providing meaningful solutions, there is no infrastructure to control this flood," said Dempo.

Dempo believes that many residents have complained about the negative impacts of flooding, such as material loss and even health risks.

"Certainly this unresolved flood has become a complaint from the community," said Dempo.

Dempo appealed to the Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) to increase investment in building an effective drainage system and flood control infrastructure.

Apart from that, active community participation in maintaining the cleanliness of rivers and waterways is also considered important to reduce the risk of flooding.

"Regarding this flood, the government must make maximum use of drainage," suggested Dempo.

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