Akhirnya, SPM Gaji THL dan Honorer Diproses, Gaji Januari Dibayar Februari

Jumat 02 Feb 2024 - 23:02 WIB
Reporter : Bella Wilianti
Editor : M. Rizki Amanda Lubis

BACA JUGA:Pemkab Sulit Kurangi THL

BACA JUGA:Nasib Jadi Guru THLT, 6 Bulan Belum Digaji

Lebih lanjut Isnan mengatakan, sering kali perekrutan Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL), terutama guru, saat ini masih banyak dilakukan oleh oknum kepala sekolah. 

Akibatnya, sekian tahun dari perekrutan tersebut kepala sekolah tersebut akan merengek karena guru yang diangkat tersebut tidak mendapat SK Gubernur. 

"Ini susah memantaunya kalau internal kepala sekolah melakukan rekrutmen terus.

Padahal surat edaran sudah jelas tidak ada lagi rekrutmen tetapi diam-diam melakukan rekrutmen," singgungnya.

Isnan menegaskan, untuk saat ini tidak ada lagi perekrutan honorer tersebut.

Baik di instansi OPD Pemprov maupun untuk guru. "Saat ini, pengangkatan honorer selesai semua. Jadi tidak ada lagi," kata Isnan.


Payment Order Letter (SPM) for Past Daily Labor (THL) and Honorary salary processed.

THL and Honorary salaries within the Bengkulu Provincial Government (Pemprov) will be paid in the near future.

The good news regarding the THL and Honorary salary payment process was revealed by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bengkulu Province, Isnan Fajri, S.Sos, M.Kes, Friday 2 February 2024.

"THL and Honorary Salaries have been followed up. d. THL and Honorary Salaries, the SPM is already in place and the payment has been processed," explained Isnan, when metRB after carrying out the monthly routine recitation at the Alif Lam Mim Mosque of the Regional Secretariat of Bengkulu Province.

While the OPDs have administratively issued a Decree (SK) the extension of the THL and honorary fees has been issued. So, the SPM has also been processed.

"This January has already been processed. And January's salary will be paid immediately this February. So it's not a report," stressed Isnan.

Because THL and honorary salaries are processed at the end of the month. So it can only be paid at the beginning of February.

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